Crunchy Bottoms

Striking the caloric balance. Barely.

Category Archives: Pasta

Villa Di Parma (Formally Ristorante De Parma)

Pizza E Funghi

You would think that ever since I’ve stopped working to concentrate on university applications, my life would reach a tranquil reprieve of sorts, that it would be when I finally get to claw my way up to break the surface, sucking in my first gasp of fresh air since selling my soul to paperwork and sending screwy sms reminders to students.

Nothing much has changed.

I still sit at the computer the entire day, and the only differences would be the absence of my pores shrivelling up under sub-zero conditions with the air-conditioning blasting in my face and the lack of need to wear two jackets for 8 hours. Oh, and of course the steady emptying of my wallet. Silly me, how could I forget.

I’ve been so busy reading…things on the computer that I don’t even remember what they were!

But, you know, if it’s one thing I’d remember, it’s food – in the sense that I had yet to settle the date, time and venue for the meet-up with the girls that’s been delayed for almost a month already. It was probably hours before I sourced out this restaurant offering an in-house promotion for Tuesday Pizzas Night, where a selected assortment of thin-crust pizzas go for $12.90 each. Budget pizzas for budgeted students! What other fantastic way to spend Tuesday night could there possibly be?

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